How to deal with cupping blister?

Keep the area clean: Wash the area gently with mild soap and water to prevent infection.

Apply a sterile bandage: If the blisters have burst or are prone to bursting, cover them with a sterile bandage to protect them from further irritation and infection.

Use an antibiotic ointment : Apply an over-the-counter antibiotic ointment to the blisters to prevent infection and promote healing.

Apply aloe vera locally every two hours, 3-6 times a day.

Avoid tight clothing: Opt for loose-fitting clothing to prevent rubbing and irritation of the blistered area.

Keep the area elevated: Elevating the affected area can help reduce swelling and promote drainage of any fluid buildup.

Consult a healthcare professional if necessary: If the blisters are large, painful, or show signs of infection (such as redness, warmth, or pus), it’s important to seek medical attention. A healthcare professional can provide appropriate treatment and advice based on the severity of the blisters.