Cold,Flu,Hay Fever,Sinus

differentiates between exterior cold syndrome and interior heat syndrome for external pathogenic diseases like cold and cough

SymptomsExterior Cold Syndrome (外寒证)Interior Heat Syndrome (里热证)
FeverMild or absent, chills predominateHigh fever, no chills
SweatingNo sweating or very mildProfuse sweating
ThirstNo thirst or mild thirstIntense thirst, prefers cold drinks
CoughMild cough with thin, clear sputumSevere cough with thick, yellow sputum
Nasal SymptomsRunny nose with clear mucusNasal congestion with yellow mucus
TongueThin white coatingRed tongue with yellow coating
PulseTight, superficialRapid, forceful
Body AchesPronouncedLess pronounced

1. Clear nasal discharge, itchy throat, with external cold: Xing Su San or Gui zhi jia get gen tang.

2. Yellow-green phlegm, internal heat: Qing Qi Hua Tan Wan.

3. Clear nasal discharge(external cold), itchy throat yellow-green phlegm(internal heat) : Gui Zhi Er Yue Bi Yi Tang

4. (extremely) sore throat (wind-heat pattern):  lian hua qing wen wan

5. Dry cough, itching throat in the later stage of a cold, external cold not completely dispelled:

Gui Gan Hou Xing Wu (Guizhi, Gancao, Houpo, Xingren, Wuweizi) +induce sweat 30mins after taking herbs for 1-4times

6. mild sore thorat+ dry cough:

gui zhi er yue bi yi tang +Gui Gan Hou Xing Wu (Guizhi, Gancao, Houpo, Xingren, Wuweizi) sweating and dry, sore throat: Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang or get gen tang+ severe sore throat: shi gao

8.Fear of wind, muscle pain: Gui Zhi Jia Ge Gen Tang.

9.hay fever,sinus,any kind of nose problems(nose blockage Etc),itchy eyes: gui zhi tang jia bi yan wan(specifically for hay fever or sinus)

10. The entire body feels cold, no sweats, and coughs immediately when the upper back is exposed to wind, dry cough: Ma Huang Fu Zi Xi Xin Tang, dry cough + Gui Gan Hou Xing Wu (Gui Zhi,Gan Cao,Hou Po,Xing Ren,Wu Wei Zi)

6.轻微咽喉痛 + 干咳:桂枝二越婢一汤 + 桂甘厚杏五(桂枝甘草厚朴杏仁五味子)。
7.无汗出,喉咙干痛:麻杏石甘汤或葛根汤 + 喉咙痛严重:石膏。





3.Comvita Propolis Extract

For wind-cold type of common cold/flu, it’s important to follow certain precautions after taking herb:

About 30 minutes after taking the herb,

If your pain is caused by cold and dampness or yang deficiency,
please pay attention to keeping warm. Here are the methods:
Start by soaking your feet in a hot foot spa.
Apply a hot compress to your back and cover yourself with an electric blanket.
Allow yourself to sweat a bit, and make sure to keep drinking warm water continuously.
After sweating, avoid getting chilled again, as exposure to cold can worsen your condition.
It’s not advisable to induce sweating within one hour before going to sleep.
This is because during sleep, the body and room temperatures are lower,
and if your pores are open, you may become chilled easily, which can worsen your condition.



做hot foot spa,后背放着热敷袋,盖着电热毯,发一点汗,并不断多喝温水补充水分。