5.Upper&lower limbs activities’ description

上肢和下肢常见活动描述 upper limbs,lower limbs activities

上肢常见活动描述 upper limbs activities

1 Any of your usual work, housework, or school activities

2 Your usual hobbies, recreational or sporting activities


1.Sleep on the affected side

2.Reach into the back(front) pocket

3.Reach into the small of the back and tuck in the shirt

4.Wash under the affected arm

5.Wash or brush hair (including the back of the head)

6.Place the glass(dish) on the shelf at shoulder level

7.Remove the garment hanging in the closet

8.Place the mug on the high shelf

9.Adjust shower head

10.Pick up the gallon of milk from the refrigerator

11.Carry a 5kg plastic bag of groceries at the side

12.Toss a softball underhand 10 feet

13.Toss a baseball underhand from 10 feet

14.Vacuum the floor

15.rake the lawn

16. Put a pullover on/off going over your head

17. Putting on a coat, finishing with the affected shoulder

18. Personal care activities (i.e. dress/washing)

19. Household Work (i.e.maintenance/cleaning)

20. Work (your usual job) or maintain normal activity

21. Lifting a bag of groceries to waist level

22. Lifting a bag of groceries above your head

23. Brushing/Combing/Grooming your hair

24. Pushing up on your hands (eg from the bathtub or chair)

25. Preparing food (eg peeling, cutting)

26. Driving

27. Vacuuming, sweeping, or raking

28. Dressing

29. Doing up buttons

30. Using tools or appliances

31. Carrying a small suitcase with your affected limb

32.Washing your hair, face, or scalp

33.Placing an object onto or removing it from, an overhead self

34.Put Toothpaste and brush the teeth

35.Put on and remove the T-shirt

36.Button shirt with front buttons

37.Attach the end of the zipper and zip the jacket

38.Put on socks

39.Carry a laundry basket

40.Dial the touch-tone telephone

41.Fold a bath towel

42.Put on and take off the prosthesis


1.Opening doors with knob


3.Tying or lacing shoes/tie shoe laces

4.Laundering clothes (eg washing, ironing, folding)

5.Opening a jar

6.Throwing a ball

7.Use the fork/spoon

8.Write the name legibly

9.Use scissors

10.Open envelope

11.Stir in bowl

下肢常见活动描述 lower limbs activities

1 Any of your usual work, housework, or school activities

2 Your usual hobbies, recreational or sporting activities

3 Getting into or out of the bath

4 Walking between rooms

5 Putting on your shoes or socks

6 Squatting

7 Lifting an object, like a bag of groceries from the floor

8 Performing light activities around your home

9 Performing heavy activities around your home

10 Getting into or out of a car

11 Walking 2 blocks

12 Walking a mile

13 Going up or down 10 stairs (about 1 flight of stairs)

14 Standing for 1 hour

15 Sitting for 1 hour

16 Running on even ground

17 Running on uneven ground

18 Making sharp turns while running fast

19 Hopping

20 Rolling over in bed

Any joint can be used

Sleep through the night