辨证训练-经络脏腑diagnosis practice(meridian&Zangfu)

Pattern diagnosis


tongue ulcersHT fire
pale lipsYang deficiency
premature ejaculationKI deficiency
excessive dreamingHT fire
sore throatHT,ST,LU fire
impotenceKI deficiency
Alternative chill and fevers Shao Yang
mouth ulcersST fire
saliva dripping during sleepSP deficiency
migraine(side)GB,Liv fire
sinusLU, ST,BL
nauseaST Qi counter-flowing,SP
frequent urinationKI,BL
Hypochondriac pain and distentionLiv,GB
Lower abdominal painLI,SI
weak&heavy limbsSP
excessive menstrual blood flowSP deficiency, Kidney Deficiency,Blood heat
weak musclesSP deficiency
genital diseaseLiv,KI
abdominal distensionSI,SP
diarrheaSP,KI Qi/Yang deficiency,dampness
painful urinationKI,BL heat
belchingST qi counter-flowing
aversion to windLung qi deficiency
dry or red eyesLiv fire,ST fire
bad breath(mouth)ST fire
poor appetiteSP deficiency
tinnitus(high pitch)Liv fire,GB fire,SI
Testicular painLiv,KI
acid refluxST qi counter-flowing
clear urineDeficiency,cold
Burning sensation in anusLI blood heat
Insomnia11pm-1am GB1-3am Liv3-5am LUExcessive dreaming-HT fire
hungry easilyST fire
loose stoolSP deficiency,damp-heatdampness
Dry stoolST/SI/LI fire
poor digestionSP deficiency
heart palpitationsHT
sore and pain in the lower back and knees(worse with cold or rainy weather)KI/SP yang deficiency
Stomach bloating or painST
Bitter taste in the mouthShao yang/GB
blocked noseLU/Lung qi deficiency/ST
Spontaneous SweatingBlood heat/HT fire/Gui zhi tang
digestive issuesST,SP
bleeding disordersSP/Blood heat
ringing in the ears(low pitch)Kidney deficiency
vomitingST qi counter-flowing
urinary incontinenceKid/BL qi or yang deficiency
irregular heartbeatHT
chest tightness and painHT/LU
Irregular menstruationLiv qi stagnation+kidney deficiency
dry mouthFire(ST,LU,HT)
hearing lossKid deficiency,Liv+GB fireHT
Breast distension(nipple)Liv
headache(back)BL,SI, HT fire,anxiety
premature gray hairKid deficiency
gas in lower abdomenSI,LI,Qi stagnation
shoulder and neck painHT,LU fire
runny noseLung qi deficiency,Lung fire
headache(forehead)ST fire
hair lossMeridian diagnosis
Shortness of BreathLU,HT
cold in the lower limbsYang deficiency
gurgling tummyST,SI,SP
shoulder blade painHT fire,anxiety
frequent cold and fluLung qi deficiency
TirednessQi deficiency(SP,KI)

Mental health and personality

StressLiv qi stagnation/Liv fire
fear Kid deficiency
attentive mindHT
poor memoryKid deficiency
depressionLiv qi stagnation
annoyedHT fire
jealousHT fire
over thinkingSP deficiency
small-mindedHT fire
memory confusionKid deficiency
overjoyedHt fire
easily startledGB qi deficiency,Kidney deficiency
angryHT fire,Liv Fire
lack of confidenceSP deficiency
poor coordinationKid deficiency
talkativeHT fire
TimidityGB qi deficiency
impulsiveHT fire
stubbornHT fire
poor concentrationKid deficiency
worriedSp deficiency
impatientHT fire
skepticalSP deficiency
laughing inappropriatelyHT fire
strong will powerKI
anxiousHT fire
indecisiveGB qi deficiency
weak will powerKI deficiency
irritableHT fire
poor judgmentGB deficiency
frankHT fire
frightGB qi deficiency
passionateHT fire


21 days or less, for at least 2 cyclesEarly Menstruation, Epimenorrhea (月经先期)frequent menstrual bleeding
35 days or more, for at least 2 cyclesLate or Delayed Menstruation (月经后期)infrequent menstrual bleeding
Irregular, either in advanced or delayed by 7 days or more, for at least 3 cyclesIrregular Menstruation (Sometimes Early, Sometimes Late)(月经先后不定期)irregular menstrual bleeding 
>80ml(a soaked pad absorbs roughly 5ml of blood)Heavy Menstruation, Menorrhagia(月经过多)heavy menstrual bleeding(HMB)
A Period That Lasts 1 or 2 Days(short period) or <20ml and/or the menstrual period less than 2 daysScanty or Light Menstruation, Oligomenorrhea(月经过少) 
 A menstrual period that lasts longer than seven daysExtended or long Menstruation (经期延长)prolonged menstrual bleeding
Spotting or Bleeding Between Menstruationintermenstrual bleeding
Absence of Menstruation, Amenorrhea, No Cycle (闭经) or Missed Period/ Skipping period (停经) :闭经:原发性闭经:女子年逾18周岁,月经尚未来潮,继发性闭经:月经来潮后又中断6个月以上者,称为“闭经”,妊娠期、哺乳期或更年期的月经停闭属生理现象有的少女初潮2年内偶尔出现月经停闭现象,可不予治疗。absent menstrual bleeding(amenorrhoea)
Painful Menstruation, Dysmenorrhea, period pain(痛经)