
Chinese Herbology

 Herbs that Release the Exterior解表药)

Definition: Herbs that chiefly disperse the exterior evils and relieve exterior syndrome are called exterior- relieving herbs.

Functions and indications:

① Disperse the exterior evils→ Exterior syndrome.

② Relieves wheezing→Cough and wheezing.

③ Out thrust measles papules →Non -eruption of measles papules.

④ Stop pain → Wind -damp impediment(Bi)pain


①Wind-cold-dispersing herb

②Wind-heat-dispersing herb

Wind-Cold-Dispersing Herb发散风寒药


Acrid in flavor and warm in nature,disperse wind- cold to treat wind-cold exterior syndrome The action to promote sweating is strong and the dosage should not be too heavy.

Wind-cold-dispersing herb发散风寒药

nameCharacteristics for exterior syndrome due to external contractionothers
Ma huangWind-cold exterior excess syndromerelieve wheezing Promote urine
Gui zhiWind-cold exterior excess syndrome 
Wind-cold exterior deficiency syndrome
Warm the channels and free yang
Zi suExternal contraction due to wind-cold accompanied by oppression in the chest due to Qi stagnation  Calm fetus Detoxify 
Sheng jiangMild External contraction due to wind-coldStop vomitingStop cough
Xiang ruExternal contraction of cold and internal damage of dampness;
disinhibit water and reduce edema
Promote urination and reduce edema
Jing jie1)Wind-cold exterior syndrome
2)wind-heat exterior syndrome
1)charred to stop bleeding
2)papules and sores
Fang fengwind cold
Wind heat
Wind dampness
Alleviate spasm
Qiang huoExternal contraction of wind-cold accompanied by dampnessStop pain(especially for disorder of the upper body)
Bai zhiExternal contraction of wind-cold accompanied by dampnessgood to stop yangming headache
Disperse swelling and dispel pus
Xi xinwind-cold exterior syndrome
External contraction due to yang deficiency
stop pain
Diffuse the nasal orifices
Warm lung and transform rheum
Gao benVertex headache due to external contraction of wind-coldDispel wind and overcome dampness
Cang er ziNasal congestion and headache due to external contraction of wind-coldtreat deep-source nasal congestion
Dispel wind-dampness to stop the pain

Wind-Heat-Dispersing Herb发散风热药


①This kind of herb, acrid in flavor and cool in property, can disperse wind-heat to treat wind-heat exterior syndromes.

②Most of the herbs have the action to outthrust measles.

③Action to promote sweating is mild.

Wind-heat-dispersing herb发散风热药

 nameCharacteristics of Wind-heat-dispersing herbothers
Bo heWind-heat exterior syndrome or onset of warm diseaseclear and disinhibit the head and eyes help to benefit the throat
Out thrust papules
Niu bang ziSore throat due to wind-heat exterior syndromeOutthrust papules
Detoxify and dissipate swelling
Chan tuiwind-heat exterior syndrome
Wind-heat depressed in the lung
Sore throat and loss of voice
Out thrust papules
Improve the acuity of vision and abate eyescreen
Extinguish wind and stop spasms
Dan dou chi1)wind-heat exterior syndrome
2) wind-cold exterior syndrome
Relieve irritability
Sang yeWind heat visiting the lungclear lung and moisten dryness
Clear the liver improve the acuity of visionCool blood
Ju huaRed, pain, swelling eyes due to wind-heat 
Ge genWind-heat or wind-cold accompanied by stiffness of the neckOut thrust papulesRaise yang and stop diarrhea
Engender body fluid and stop thirst
Chai huevil in the shao yang aspect
Fever due to external contraction
soothe the liver and resolve depression
raise yang Qi
Sheng maWind-heat exterior syndrome accompanied by headacheOut thrust papules
Upper Yang and raise the fall
Man jing ziWind-heat exterior syndrome causes headaches and dizziness 

Heat -Clearing and Fire-Draining Herb清热泻火药


  1. This kind of herb can clear excessive Qi-level heat, the action to clear heat is strong.

2. These kinds of herbs are used to treat high fever, vexation, and thirst due to heat invading Qi-level in warm disease, and excessive fire heat syndrome.

Characteristics of Heat-clearing and fire-draining herb清热泻火药

nameCharacteristics of Heat Syndromeothers
Shi gaoExcessive heat in QI aspect
Cough and asthma due to lung heat
Toothache caused by stomach fire
Astringe and engender flesh when calcined
Zhi muExcessive heat in QI aspects.
cough due to lung heat
Effulgent yin deficiency fire
Nourish yin and moisten dryness
Lu ganThirst due to febrile diseases
Lung-heat cough
Relieve restlessness and stop vomiting
Tian hua fenThirst due to febrile diseases
Dry cough caused by lung-heat
Eliminate swelling and expel pus
Zhi zirestlessness due to febrile diseases
Fire from the heart and stomach
liver -fire red eyes
clear heat and disinhibit dampness
Cool blood and detoxify
Eliminate swelling and pain
xia ku caoExcessive fire from the liver channelDissipate masses
Jue ming ziRed  eyes due to liver-firenourish liver-yin
Lubricate intestines and promote bowel movement

Heat-Clearing and Dampness-Drying Herb清热燥湿药


  1. All the herbs are bitter in flavor and cold in property. Bitterness can dry dampness and cold can clear heat.

These kind of herbs have functions of clearing heat and drying dampness, draining fire, and detoxifying.

2. Appropriate for damp-heat syndrome and fire-heat syndrome.

3. Cold and bitterness can damage Yin and Yang so the dosage should not be too heavy. Individuals with spleen -stomach deficiency cold or with damage to fluids and Yin depletion should be used with care.

Characteristics of Heat-Clearing and Dampness-Drying Herbs清热燥湿药

NameCharacteristics of Damp-Heat syndromeothers
Huang qinGloom and oppression due to damp-warmthClear lung fire
clear heat and calm fetus
Clear heat in Shao yang stage
Cool blood and stop bleeding
Huang lianDysentery due to damp-heatclear heat-stomach fire
Drain fire and detoxify strongly
Huang baiProfuse vaginal discharge and heat strangury(Lin) due to damp-heat
Jaundice due to damp-heat
Drain fire and detoxify
Abate heat and eliminate steaming bone fever
Long danGenital swelling and pudendal itch, profuse vaginal discharge
Clear excessive fire from the liver and gallbladder
Ku shenprofuse vaginal discharge
Genital swelling,eczema,scab(jie),and lichen(xian)
Kill parasites and worms, stop itching
Qin piDysentery due to damp-heatClear the liver and improve the acuity of vision

Heat -Clearing and Detoxifying Herb清热解毒药


1. Clear heat toxins and fire toxins.

2. Used for various kinds of heat toxin syndromes, such as swelling abscess, clove sore, sore, erysipelas, macular eruption due to scourge toxin, mumps, sore swollen throat, dysentery,     insect or snake bites.

3.It should not be intaken for a long time because of cold

Heat-clearing and detoxifying herb清热解毒药

nameCharacteristics of Heat toxin syndromeothers
Jin yin huaabscess, boils and sores
Wind-heat exterior syndrome
Cool blood and stop dysentery
Lian qiaoabscess,boils and sores
Wind-heat exterior syndrome
Dissipate bind
Zi hua di dingabscess,boils and sores 
Pu gong yingEffective for mammary abscessDisinhibit dampness and free strangury(lin)
Yu xing caoEffective for lung abscessClear lung heat, promote urination and free  strangury(lin)
Hong tengEffective for intestinal abscess 
Bai jiang caoAn intestinal abscess(both development of pus and in-development of pus)Eliminate stasis, stop pain, and detoxify
Da qing yeHeat toxin macules in warm-heat diseaseMumps and swollen throat 
Ban lan genmumps,heat toxin sores and abscess
Sore throat
Qing daiheat toxin maculesLiver heat fright wind 
Ma chi xianRed dysentery with pus and bloodcool blood and stop blood
Bai tou wengHeat toxin bloody dysentery 
Ya dan ziEffective for intermittent dysenteryinterrupt malaria
Consume wart
She(ye) ganSore throat due to exuberant phlegm-heat 
Shan dou genSore throat due to accumulated heat toxin 
Ma boSore throat due to wind-heat and lung fire 

Heat -Clearing and Blood-cooling Herb清热凉血药


  1. Enter the blood level to clear heat evils from the nutritive level and blood level.

2. Chiefly used for heat invading nutritive and blood levels in warm diseases, such as fever, dark purple tongue, macular eruption, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, or bleeding due to blood heat in miscellaneous diseases.

Heat-clearing and blood-cooling herb清热凉血药

NameCharacteristics of blood heat syndromeothers
Sheng di huangheat entering the nutritive level and blood-level
Bleeding due to blood heat
Nourish yin and engender body fluid
Xuan shenWarm evil entering the nutritive -level
Warm evil entering the pericardium
detoxify and dissipate bind
Enrich kidney yin and downbear ministerial fire
Mu dan piblooding due to heat entering the blood levelMenstrual block due to blood stagnation, knocks and fallsoutthrust deep-lying heat in the yin aspect
Eliminate swollen abscess
Chi shaoBleeding due to heat entering the nutritive level and blood levelmenstrual block,goiter
Clear liver fire

Deficiency-Heat-Clearing Herb清虚热药


  1. The chief action is to clear deficiency heat without damaging Yin liquids.

2. It is good for treating deficiency heat.

Deficiency-heat-clearing herb清虚热药

NameCharacteristics for deficiency heatothers
Qing haoYin-deficiency fever, streaming bone fever and tidal feverChild gan accumulation with fever1. Resolve summer-heat
2. Interrupt malaria
Di gu piYin-deficiency fever,streaming bone fever, night sweatscool blood
Clear lung and downbear fire
Yin chai huYin-deficiency fever, streaming bone fever, and tidal feverChild gan accumulation with fever 
Hu huang lianyin-deficiency streaming fever and tidal feverChild gan accumulation with feverClear damp-heat

Purgative Herbs(泻下药)

Definition: Herbs that can cause diarrhea or moisten intestines and unblock the bowel are known as purgative herbs. Functions and indications:

Purge and unblock bowel→Constipation and accumulation in the stomach and intestines.

Clear heat and purge fire→Internal exuberance of excessive heat.

Expel water and relieve edema→Edema and collecting rheum. Classification:

①Offensive purging herb.

②Moist purging herb.

③Drastic purging water – expelling herb.

Offensive  Purging Herb攻下药


  1. Most of the herbs have properties of bitterness, cold, and sinking and can enter the large intestine channel.

2. All the herbs have strong functions of purging and promoting bowel movement, as well as clearing heat and purging fire.

3. They are chiefly effective for constipation and accumulation of excessive heat.

Moist Purgative Herb(润下药)


①Most herbs are seeds or kernels of plants, abounding in lipa.

②Chief action is to moisten the intestines.

③Used for constipation due to desiccation of liquid and intestine dryness (old age, postpartum, damage to liquids in febrile diseases, and blood loss).

Drastic Purging and Water-Expelling Herb(峻下逐水药)


①Most herbs are bitter, cold and toxic to purge drastically. Intake of herbs can cause severe diarrhea and can make excessive water discharged along with stool. Part of herbs can promote urination.

②Effective in treating edema, drum distension(tympanites), and collecting rheum in the chest and rib side.

③Pregnant women should be contraindicated because of the drastic toxicity. Right, Qi should be secured for individuals with a deficiency of right Qi and preparation, dosage, and clinical application should be paid attention.

Offensive purging herb(攻下药)

NameCharacteristics for accumulations and water-rheumothers
Da huangconstipation due to heat bindAbiding foodcool blood and stop bleedingClear heat and detoxifyInvigorate blood eliminate stasisClear damp-heat accumulation
cool blood and stop bleedingClear heat and detoxifyInvigorate blood eliminate stasisClear damp-heat accumulation
Mang xiaoConstipation due to excessive heat and dryness bindclear heat stop pain
Used externally to eliminate swelling of abscess
Fan xie yeConstipation due to heat bind 
Huo ma renIntestinal dryness constipationDisinhibit water and eliminate swelling
Yu li ren
Gan suiUsed for edema and drum distention.Rheum stopping in the chest and rib side of the internal excess syndromeSwelling and toxins of abscess and sores, phlegm node, scrofula
Da ji
Yuan huaphlegm-rheum cough and asthmaHead sores and stubborn lichen(xian)
Ba dou1. Constipation due to cold accumulation
2.ascites,drum distention
1. cold excess chest bind and throat impediment
2. used externally to treat sores, abscess, scab(jie) and lichen(xian)

Herbs that drain Dampness and Disinhibiting Water利水渗湿药

Definition: Herbs that chiefly can unblock the waterway and percolate dampness to treat collecting water-damp are known as water-disinhibiting and damp-percolating herbs.

Functions and indications:

①Disinhibit water and reduce edema→Edema and inhibited urination.

②Promote diuresis and free strangury(lín)→Strangury(lín)syndrome.

③Disinhibit dampness and eliminate jaundice→Jaundice, damp sore, diarrhea, profuse vaginal discharge, damp-warmth, damp impediment(Bi).


① Water -disinhibiting and edema-eliminating herb.

②Diuresis- promoting and strangury(lín)- freeing herb

③Damp -disinhibiting and jaundice-eliminating herb.

Water-Disinhibiting and Edema -Eliminating Herb利水退肿药

Characteristic: Most of the herbs are sweet, bland and balanced, or slightly cold. Bland herbs can percolate and drain, especially disinhibit and drain water to increase the amount of urine and make urination uninhibited.

Water -Disinhibiting and Edema-Eliminating Herb利水退肿药

NameCharacteristics for accumulations and water-rheumothers
Fu lingEffective in both tonifying and Dis-inhibiting to treat all kinds of edemaSpleen deficiency
Palpitation and insomnia
Yi yi renBoth tonify and disinhibit to treat edema and inhibit urinationHeat strangury(lin)
Damp impediment and heat impediment
Lung abscess and intestinal abscess
Zhu lingThe action to percolate dampness is strong,
disinhibit without tonifying to treat edema, and inhibit urination
2.strangury- turbidity
Ze xieEffective in clearing damp heat in the lower heaterphlegm-rheum
Diarrhea, strangury- turbidity and leukorrhea
Che qian ziClear heat, promote urination, and free strangury to treat strangury syndromes and edemaSummer-heat damp diarrhea
Hua shiClear heat, benefit lower orifices and free strangury to treat heat strangury and edema1. Summer-heat and damp-warm
2.Damp sores
Mu tongClear the fire of the heart and disinhibit damp heat in the bladder to treat heat strangury and edemaAmenorrhea and agalactosis
Impediment pain due to damp-heat
Bi xieDisinhibit dampness and separate the clear from the turbid to treat unctuous stranguryImpediment syndrome due to wind-dampness
Yin chen haoEffective in clearing and disinhibiting damp heat in the liver and gallbladder to treat jaundice 
Jin qian caoClear and drain dam-heat in the liver and gallbladder, free strangury, and expel stones to treat jaundice, stone strangury, and heat strangury 

Diuresis – Promoting and Strangury- Freeing Herb利水通淋药

Characteristic: Most herbs are bitter and cold or sweet, bland, and cold. Bitterness can drain and downbear, cold can clear heat, and bland can percolate and drain, so they are effective in promoting diuresis and freeing strangury. Indications include heat strangury(lín),blood strangury (lín), stone strangury(lín)and unctuous strangury(lín).

Damp-Disinhibiting and Jaundice-Abating Herb(利湿退黄药)

Characteristic: Most herbs are cold and bitter and enter the liver and gallbladder channels. Bitterness can drain and cold can clear, so they are good for clearing and disinhibiting damp heat, disinhibiting the gallbladder, and abating jaundice. The clinical application is jaundice due to damp -heat.

Herbs that Dispel Wind-Dampness祛风湿药

Definition: Herbs that chiefly dispel wind, cold and damp evils, and relieve impediment(Bi) pain are known as wind-damp-dispelling herbs.

Functions and indications:

①Disperse wind-cold,eliminate dampness and stop pain→Impediment(Bi)pain caused by wind,cold and dampness.

②Dispel wind-damp and clear heat →Impediment( Bi) syndrome caused by wind, dampness and heat.

③Dispel wind-damp and strengthen tendon and bone→Liver-kidney deficiency due to prolonged impediment(Bi) syndrome or impediment(Bi) syndrome accompanied by liver-kidney deficiency.


①Wind-damp-dispelling and cold-dissipating herb

②Wind-damp-dispelling and heat-clearing herb.

③Wind -damp-dispelling and tendon-bone-strengthening herb.

Wind-damp-dispelling herb(祛风湿药)

NameCharacteristics for impediment(Bi) syndromeothers
Du huoEffective for impediment(Bi) syndrome of the lower bodywind-cold exterior syndrome accompanied by dampness
Shao yin Headache
Wei ling xianEffective for moving impediment(Bi) syndromeBones stuck in the throat
Chuan wuimpediment(Bi) pain or cold painDecocted first because of severe toxin
Knocks and falls
Qi sheIntensive impediment(Bi) and half-body paralysis1. tonic
2. acute or chronic fright of wind
3. tetanus
Mu guaWind-damp impediment(bi) pain, hypertonicity of tendons and vessels1. Vomiting, diarrhea, and cramps
2.disperse food
Fang jiWind-damp impediment(bi) pain accompanied by heat syndromesDisinhibit water
Qin jiaoHeat-damp impediment(bi) accompanied by hypertonicity of tendons and vesselsDamp-heat jaundice, tidal fever
Sang zhiHeat-damp impediment(bi) hypertonicity of upper limbsDisinhibit water
Xi xian caoHeat impediment(bi),hypertonicityClear heat and detoxify
Wu jia pi Disinhibit water
Sang ji shengWind-damp impediment(bi) pain, limp aching lumbus, and knees 

Wind-Damp-Dispelling and Cold-Dissipating Herb(祛风湿寒药)

Characteristics: The herbs are acrid, bitter, and warm to dispel wind-damp, disperse cold and stop the pain, soothe tendon and open collateral, and are appropriate for impediment(Bi)pain caused by wind, cold, and dampness.

Wind -Damp- Dispelling and Heat-Clearing Herb祛风湿热药

Characteristics: Most herbs are acrid, bitter, and cold to dispel wind-damp, clear heat, open collaterals, and stop the pain, appropriate for wind-damp-heat impediment Bi), redness, swelling, heat sensation, and pain of joints.

Wind – Damp-Dispelling and Tendon -Bone-Strengthening Herb祛风湿壮筋骨药

Characteristics: Most herbs are bitter, sweet, and warm. Enter the liver and kidney channels to dispel wind-damp,tonify the liver and kidney, and strengthen tendons and bones, appropriate for prolonged impediment(Bi)involving liver and kidney or impediment(Bi) accompanied by liver-kidney deficiency.

Herbs that Transform Phlegm and Stop Coughing化痰止咳药


Herbs that can eliminate phlegm-drool to treat syndromes caused by phlegm are called phlegm-transforming herbs, and herbs that can suppress or relieve cough and asthma are called cough-suppressing and asthma-calming herbs.

Functions and indications:

①Transform phlegm→Cough and asthma with profuse phlegm, withdrawal, epilepsy, fright reversal numbness of limbs,hemilateral paralysis, deviated mouth and eyes, goiter, and scrofula.

②Stop cough and relieves wheezing→Cough and asthma.


①Phlegm -transforming herb.

②Cough – stopping and asthma-calming herb.

Phlegm-transforming and cough-stopping herb(化痰止咳药)


Phlegm-transforming and cough-stopping herb化痰止咳药

Herbs that can eliminate phlegm-drool to treat syndromes caused by phlegm are called phlegm-transforming herbs, herbs that can suppress or relieve cough and asthma are called cough-suppressing and asthma-calming herbs.

Functions and indications:

①Transform phlegm→Cough and asthma with profuse phlegm, withdrawal, epilepsy, fright reversal numbness of limbs,hemilateral paralysis, deviated mouth and eyes, goiter, and scrofula.

②Stop cough and relieves wheezing→Cough and asthma.


①Phlegm -transforming herb.

②Cough – stopping and asthma-calming herb.

Phlegm-transforming and cough-stopping herb(化痰止咳药)

NameCharacteristics for phlegm asthmaothers
Ban xiaDamp phlegm and cold phlegmDownbear counterflow and stop vomiting
Eliminate glomus and dissipate nodules
Tian nan xingDamp phlegm and cold phlegm
Stubborn phlegm
Dispel wind and stop spasms
Xuan fu huaCough with profuse phlegm1. Downbear stomach qi and stop vomiting
Jie gengCough with profuse phlegm due to nondiffusion of lung qibenefit the throat Expel pus
Chuan bei mucough due to phlegm-heat
Yin deficiency dry cough
Clear heat and dissipate nodules
Zhe bei muWind-heat coughScrofula, toxins of abscess and sores
Gua lou1.chest impediment(Bi) and chest bind with phlegm-heat cough1. Lung abscess and mammary abscess2.intestinal dryness constipation
Bai fu zi1. Deviated mouth and eyes in wind stroke
2.syndrome of the head and face due to wind-phlegm
Scrofula, phlegm node, snake bites
Bai jie ziCough, asthma due to cold phlegm, and suspended rheumDisinhibit dampness and quicken the collaterals
Zhu ruPhlegm-heat cough, restlessness and insomniaClear stomach heat and stop vomiting
Xing renCough and asthmaMoisten intestines and unblock bowel
Sang bai piCough and asthma due to lung heatDisinhibit water and reduce edema
Ting li ziCough and asthma due to phlegm-drool congestionDisinhibit water and reduce edema strongly
Su ziCough and asthma due to phlegm congestion and Qi counter-flowMoisten intestines and unblock bowel
Bai buCough due to lung taxation, pertussisUsed to kill lice, parasites and worms in raw
Zi yuanCough with phlegm 
Ma dou lingCough and asthma due to lung heat 
Pi pa yeCough and asthma due to lung heatClear stomach heat and stop vomiting
Kuan dong huacough 
Bai guoAsthma and cough with phlegmAstringe and stop seminal emission

Phlegm-Transforming Herb化痰药


①Herbs that are warm and dry can warn and transform cold phlegm, warm the lung, and transform phlegm, dry dampness and transform phlegm, used for syndromes due to o cold phlegm, damp phlegm.

②Herbs that are cold or cool can clear heat and transform phlegm, used for syndromes due to heat phlegm.

Cough-Stopping and Asthma – Calming Herb止咳平喘药

Characteristics: Herbs have functions of stopping cough and calming asthma, used for cough and asthma due to various reasons.

Aromatic Herbs that Transform Dampness芳香化湿药

Definition: Herbs that are fragrant, warm, and slightly dry and can transform dampness and move the spleen are known as damp-transforming herbs.

Functions and indications:

Transform dampness and arouse the spleen, dry dampness and strengthen the spleen→Fullness and glomus in the stomach duct and abdomen, vomiting, sour regurgitation, diarrhea, low food intake, white and greasy tongue fur due to dampness obstructing the middle heater

Dampness-transforming herb(祛湿药)

NameCharacteristics for dampness obstructing the centerothers
Cang zhuDampness obstructing the middle heaterwind-damp impediment(bi) syndromeExterior syndrome due to exogenous wind-cold attack accompanied by dampness
Hou poDampness obstructing the middle heater causing distension and fullness1. Stomach-intestine accumulation2.cough and asthma with profuse phlegm
Sha renDampness obstructing the middle heater and spleen-stomach Qi stagnationspleen-stomach deficiency coldCalm fetus
Huo xiangDampness obstructing the middle heatersummer-heat damp syndrome and the onset of damp-warm disease
stop vomiting
Bai dou kouDampness obstructing the middle heater and spleen-lung Qi stagnationStop diarrhea

Herbs that relieve food stagnation(消食药)

Definition: Herbs that can chiefly disperse accumulations and abduct stagnation,promote digestion to treat food accumulations are known as food-dispersing herb, also known as an abductive dispersing herbs.

Functions and indications:

①Digest food accumulations →Non -transformation of accumulated food.

②Open the stomach and harmonize the center →Indigestion due to spleen-stomach deficiency.

NameCharacteristics for food accumulationothers
Shan zhaAccumulation of meat and foodInvigorate blood and dispel stasis
Ji nei jinvarious food accumulation gan accumulationRetain essence and restrain urine
Shen quFood and wine accumulation 
Mai yaFood of rice,flour, etc accumulationTerminate lactation
Lai fu ziDisperse wheat-type food accumulationPercipite qi and eliminate phlegm

 Herbs that Regulate the Qi(理气药)

Definition: Herbs that chiefly can course and regulate Qi dynamic to treat Qi stagnation or Qi counterflow are known as Qi-regulating herbs, also called Qi-moving herbs.

Functions and indications:

①Regulate Qi and strengthen the spleen→Spleen-stomach Qi stagnation.

② Soothe the liver and relieve depression→Liver Qi stagnation.

③ Regulate Qi and loosen the chest→Lung Qi congestion.

④Move Qi and stop pain→Pain due to Qi stagnation.

⑤ Break Qi and dissipate nodules→Concretions,conglomerations, accumulations and gatherings

Qi- Regulating herb(理气药)

NameCharacteristics for qi stagnationothers
Ju pidistending pain in the stomach duct and abdomen due to spleen-stomach Qi stagnation
Distension and fullness due to dampness obstructing the middle heater
Dry dampness and transform phlegm
Zhi shiDetention and fullness in the stomach duct and abdomen, diarrhea, and abdomen pain due to food accumulationdisperse accumulationEliminate glomus and fullness
Mu xiangGeneralized Qi stagnation, especially intestine-stomach Qi stagnation 
Xiang fuIrregular menstruation due to liver depression and qi stagnationRegulate menstruation and stop pain
Qing piAbdominal pain due to liver Qi stagnation and herniaAbdominal pain due to food accumulation
Chen xiangdistending pain in the chest and abdomen, cold pain in the stomach duct and abdomen
Vomiting due to stomach cold
Promote qi absorbtion to relieve wheezing
Chuan lian ziPain due to liver depression transforming fireKill parasites and worms to treat urine
Xie baiChest impediment(Bi)Disperse accumulation and move qi

Herbs that Stop Bleeding止血药

Definition: Herbs that can stop internal or external bleeding are called bleeding-stopping herbs Functions and indications:

①Cool blood and stop bleeding→Bleeding due to frenetic movement of hot blood

② Transform stasis and stop bleeding→Bleeding due to blood stasis causing blood to fail to stay in the channels.

③ Astringe and stop bleeding→Bleeding without blood stasis or excessive evils.

④ Warm the channels and stop bleeding>Bleeding of deficiency cold type due to the spleen failing to control the blood and insecurity of the thoroughfare and controlling vessels.


①Blood -cooling and bleeding-stopping herb.

② Stasis-transforming and bleeding-stopping herb.

③ Astringing and bleeding-stopping herb.

④ Channel – warming and bleeding- stopping herb.

Bleeding-stopping herb(止血药)

NameCharacteristics for bleedingothers
Bai mao genBleeding due to blood heat and bloody 
Da jiBleeding due to blood heatDetoxify and eliminate abscess
Xiao ji1. Bleeding due to blood heat
2.Bloody urine
Detoxify and eliminate abscessMilder than da ji
Di yuBleeding of the lower heater due to blood heatDetoxify and promote healing
Huai huableeding due to blood heat
Hemorrhoidal bleeding
Clear liver fire
Ce bai yeBleeding due to blood heatTransform phlegm and stop the pain
San qiInternal and external bleedingInvigorate blood and stop the pain
Qian caobleeding due to blood heat accompanied by stasis
Blood stasis menstrual block
Wind-damp impediment(bi) syndrome
Pu huangBleedingTransform stasis and stop the pain
Bai jiInternal and external bleedingEliminate swelling and engender flesh
Xian he caobleedingStop dysenteryKill parasites and worms
Ai yedeficiency cold bleeding
Cold intruding uterine
Irregular menstruation and menstrual pain
Zao xin tuSpleen qi deficiency cold failing to contain blood stool, uterine bleedingStop diarrhea

Blood -Cooling and Bleeding-Stopping Herb凉血止血药


①Cold and cool in the property and enter blood – level.

②Clear heat in blood -level to stop bleeding.

③Indications include bleeding due to frenetic movement of hot blood.

Stasis -Transforming and Bleeding-Stopping Herb活血止血药


Not only can stop bleeding, but also transform stasis.

Used for bleeding due to internal blood stasis obstructing causing blood to fail to stay in the channels.

Commonly used for knocks and falls, menstrual block, and pain in the chest and abdomen due to blood stasis.

Astringing and Bleeding-Stopping Herb收敛止血药


Most herbs, astringent in flavor, charcoal, or sticky, have different degrees of astriction to astringe and stop bleeding.

Most herbs are bland in nature, or cool but not cold, so bleeding of deficiency cold or bleeding of heat type can be treated with them.

Used with care in individuals with blood stasis or excessive evils.

Channel -Warming and Bleeding-Stopping Herb温经止血药


Most herbs, which are war and hot in property, can warm internal organs, nourish the spleen Yang, secure the thoroughfare vessel to govern blood.

Used for deficiency cold bleeding due to the spleen failing to control the blood and insecurity of the thoroughfare and controlling vessels.

Herbs that Activate Blood and Transform Stasis活血化瘀药

Definition: Herbs that can chiefly free blood vessels and eliminate blood stasis are called blood-activating and stasis-transforming herbs, also called blood-activating and stasis-dispelling herbs.

Functions and indications:

① Invigorate blood and stop pain → Pain caused by blood stasis.

② Invigorate blood and regulate menstruation →Irregular menstruation, menstrual block, and menstrual pain in women caused by blood stasis, postpartum abdominal pain due to stasis.

③ Invigorate blood and treat injury→Pain from knocks and falls.

④Invigorate blood and eliminate abscess→Swelling and pain of sores and abscess

⑤Break blood and disperse concretion→Menstrual block, concretions, conglomerations, accumulations, and gatherings.


① Blood -activating and pain-stopping herb.

② Blood – activating and menstruation-regulating herb.

③Blood- activating and injury-treating herb.

④ Blood – breaking and concretion-dispersing herb.

Blood-activating and Stasis-Transforming Herbs(活血化瘀药)

NameCharacteristics for blood stasis syndromeothers
Chuan xiongA syndrome due to blood stasis syndromedispel wind and stop pain-free impediment(bi) and stop pain
Yan hu suoPain and Qi stagnation and blood stasis 
Yu jinPain in the chest and rib-side or abdomen pain due to Qi stagnation and blood stasisclear heart and open the orificesDisinhibit dampness and abate jaundice cool blood and stop bleeding
Ru xiangknocks and falls, swelling of sores and abscess
Pain in the heart and abdomen caused by blood stasis and wind-damp impediment(Bi) pain
Mo yaoknocks and falls, swelling and pain of sores and abscess
Pain in the heart and abdomen caused by blood stasis and wind-damp impediment(Bi) pain
Wu ling zhipain due to blood stasisTransform stasis and stop bleeding
Dan shenmenstrual block and menstrual pain due to blood stagnation concretions, conglomerations, accumulations, gatherings, knocks, and fallsnourish blood and calm the spriteCool blood and eliminate abscess stasis
Hong huamenstrual block and menstrual pain due to blood stagnation concretions, conglomerations, accumulations, gatherings, knocks, and falls 
Yi mu caoMenstrual block and menstrual pain, persistent flow of lochia due to blood stagnationPromote urination and elimination of swelling
Niu xithe syndrome caused by blood stasis knocks and falls1. Tonify the liver and kidney, strengthen tendons and bones2.guide blood(fire) downward,promote urination and free strangury(lin)
Tao renmenstrual block, menstrual pain, and abdominal pain due to blood stasis
Concretions, conglomerations,accumulations, and gatherings, knocks, and falls
moisten intestine and unblock bowelLung abscess and intestinal abscess
Ji xue tengGynecological diseases due to blood stasis or blood deficiencySooth the tendons and quicken the collaterals
Zhe chong1. knocks and falls, bone fracture, and stasis pain
2.Menstrual block, concretions, accumulations due to blood stasis
Gu sui buKnocks and falls bone fractureWarm and tonify kidney yang,tonify deficiency
Xue jieknocks and falls, pain in the heart and abdomen due to blood stasisBleeding due to external injury, and non-closure of sores 
E zhuConcretions, conglomerations, accumulations and gatherings,
Menstrual block due to blood stasis
Meng chongConcretions, conglomerations, accumulations and gatherings, Menstrual block due to blood stasis 

Blood – Activating and Pain -Stopping Herb活血止痛药


①Most herbs are acrid to move.

②Most herbs can invigorate blood and move Qi, with a good effect of stopping pain.

③Used for pain due to blood stagnation or Qi stagnation and blood stasis, for example, headache, pain in the chest and rib-side, pain in the heart and abdominal, menstrual pain, postpartum abdominal pain, pain caused by knocks and falls

Blood-Activating and Menstruation -Regulating Herb活血调经药


①Not only invigorate blood and eliminates stasis, but also frees blood vessels to regulate menstruation.

②Used for irregular menstruation, menstrual pain, and postpartum abdominal pain caused by blood stasis in women.

Blood -Activating and Injury-Treating Herb活血疗伤药


①Being good to invigorate blood and transform stasis, eliminate swelling and stop pain, prolong tendons and join bones, stop bleeding, engender flesh, and promote healing.

②Used for knocks and falls, stasis pain, bone fracture, damage to tendons, incised wounds, and bleeding

Blood – Breaking and Concretion-Dispersing Herb破血消


①Most herbs are drastic in nature and can break blood and expel stasis to disperse accumulations.

②Indications include concretions, conglomerations, accumulations, and gatherings due to severe blood stasis.

Herbs that Warm the Interior温里药

Definition: Herbs that chiefly can warm the interior and dispel cold to treat interior cold syndrome are called interior-warming herbs,also known as cold-dispelling herbs.

Functions and indications:

①Warm the interior and disperse cold→Interior cold syndrome(attack of cold to spleen and stomach, spleen-stomach deficiency cold; lung cold with cold rheum syndrome; lesser-abdominal pain,cold malaria with pain or Jue Yin headache due to attack of cold to the liver channel).

②Reinforce Yang→Insufficiency of kidney Yang and heart-kidney Yang deficiency.

③Return Yang→Reverse flow due to Yang collapse.

Interior-warming Herb(温里药)

Fu ziReinforce heart Yang, warm spleen Yang,tonify kidney Yang,tonify Yang of the lower heart drastically, return Yang, and stem counterflowDissipate cold and eliminate dampness, warm the channels, and stop the pain
Gan jiangWarm the corner and disperse cold, being the essential herb to treat deficiency cold in the middle heaterWarm Yang and unblock the vessels, warm the lung and transform the rheum
Rou guiIt is good for supplementing the life gate fire, being the essential herb to treat deficiency of the lower originDissipate cold evil from the liver channel, dissipate cold and free blood vessels
Wu zhu yuWarm the stomach, liver, and kidney, good for down bearing counterflow and stopping vomiting 
Xiao hui xiangIt is good to disperse cold evil in the Jue yin channel and warm the liver and kidney 
Gao liang jiangIt is good to dissipate cold and stop pain, being the commonly used herb to treat cold pain in the stomach and abdomen due to stomach colds. 

Tonifying Herbs补虚药

Definition: Herbs that can tonify Qi, blood,Yin, and Yang to treat various deficiency syndromes are called deficiency -tonifying herbs,also called tonifying and nourishing herbs or tonifying herbs.

Functions and indications:

① Tonify Qi→ Qi deficiency syndrome.

② Tonify Yang→Yang deficiency syndrome

③ Tonify blood→Blood deficiency syndrome

④ Tonify Yin→Yin deficiency syndrome.


  • Qi-tonifying herb.
  • Yang-tonifying herb.
  • Blood-tonifying herb.
  • Yin -tonifying herb.

QiTonifying Herb补气药

Characteristics: Herbs are sweet, warm and neutral to tonify visceral Qi, especially effective for spleen-lung Qi deficiency syndrome.

Qi-tonifying herb(补气药)

NameCharacteristics for treating syndrome of Qi deficiencyothers
Ren shenQi deficiency verging on desertion
Deficiency syndrome of the spleen and the Lung
Boost Qi and engender body fluid to stop thirst. Calm the spirit and improve the intellengence.
Huang QiDeficiency syndrome of the spleen-stomach and middle-Qi failing syndrome
Deficiency syndrome of the lung and spontaneous swelling due to deficiency of the defective Qi
Tonify Qi to promote urinationTonify Qi to draw sores and engender fleshTonify Qi to improve the fluid of bloodTonify Qi to regulate the bloodTonify Qi to engender body fluid
Bai zhuSpleen Qi deficiency syndrome
Phlegm-rheum, edema due to spleen deficiency
Tonify Qi and secure the exterior to check sweatingTonify Qi to calm the fetus
Gan caoSpleen Qi deficiency syndrome
Palpitation, bound and regularly interrupted pulse due to heart qi deficiency
nourish the Lung to stop coughDetoxify tension and stop painHarmonize herbal properties
Dang shenSpleen Qi deficiency
Lung Qi deficiency
Tonify Qi to engender body fluidBoost Qi to nourish blood
Shan yaoSpleen-Kidney deficiency syndrome
Asthma and cough due to lung deficiency or dual deficiency of the lung and kidney
Seminal emission,euresis due to kidney deficiency failing to secure
Tonify Qi to engender body fluid
Da zaoLung Qi deficiency syndromeNourish blood and calm the spirit Moderate drastic herbal propertise

Yang- Tonifying Herb补阳药

Characteristics: Most herbs are sweet and warm or salty and warm to warm and tonify Yang Qi, treating Yang

deficiency syndrome, especially tonifying kidney Yang.

Yang-Tonifying herb(补阳药)

NameCharacteristics for treating syndrome of Yang deficiencyothers
Lu rongKidney yang Deficiency syndrome
Weakness of tendons and bones due to the deficiency of essence-blood
Warm and tonify the congenital QI to secure the chong and Ren meridian
Du zhongLimp wilting lumbus and knees due to insufficiency of the liver and kidneyTonify the liver and kidney to calm the fetus
Xu duanLimp wilting lumbus and knees due to insufficiency of the liver and kidneyTonify the liver and kidney to calm the fetusStrengthen tendons and bones
Ba ji tianKidney yang deficiencyLimp wilting tendons and bones due to liver and kidney insufficiencyDispel wind-damp
Yin yang huoKidney yang deficiencyLimp wilting tendons and bones due to liver and kidney insufficiencyDispel wind-damp
Bu gu zhiKidney yang deficiency
Deficiency asthma due to kidney failing to promote Qi absorption.
Warm the spleen to stop the diarrhea
Yi zhi renSeminal emission, seminal efflux, frequent urination, and enuresis due to kidney Yang deficiencyWarm the spleen to stop diarrhea and contain spittle
Tu si ziwarm the spleen to stop diarrhea
Tonify the liver and kidney to calm the fetus
Ge jieDeficiency asthma due to dual deficiency of the lung and kidney.Tonify essence and blood to treat impotence
Dong chong xia caoSyndrome due to kidney deficiency Enduring cough with bloody phlegm due to dual deficiency of the lung kidney 

Blood- Tonifying Herb补血药

Characteristics: Herbs are sweet and warm or sweet and neutral, and moist to tonify the liver nourish the heart, and tonify the spleen, used for heart-liver deficiency syndrome.

Blood-Tonifying herb(补血药)

NameCharacteristics for treating syndrome of Blood deficiencyothers
Dang guiSyndrome due to blood deficiency
Gynecopathy due to blood deficiency or blood stasis
Invigorate blood to stop the pain
Invigorate blood to eliminate swelling
Nourish blood to moisten intestines
Shu di huangSyndrome due to blood deficiency
Insufficiency of kidney yin
Tonify the liver-kidney to boost essence and replenish the marrow
Bai shaoGynecopathy due to blood deficiency
Pain due to blood deficiency or constrained liver Qi
subdue the liver Yang
Check sweating
He shou wuSyndrome due to blood deficiency
Premature graying due to deficiency of essence and blood
interrupt malaria
Moisten intestines 
E jiaoSyndrome due to blood deficiency
Dry cough due to Yin deficiency
Stop bleeding

Yin- Tonifying Herb补阴药

Characteristics: Most herbs are cold, sweet, and moist to tonify Yin, enrich liquid, moisten dryness to treat syndromes caused by Yin deficiency and depletion of body liquid.

Yin-tonifying herb(补阴药)

NameCharacteristics for treating syndrome of Yin deficiencyothers
Sha shencough due to lung Yin deficiency or Lung heat.
Thirst and dry throat due to stomach Yin deficiency
Mai men dongLung Yin deficiency or Lung dryness and Lung heat
Syndrome due to stomach Yin deficiency
Clear heat and relieve irritability
Syndrome due to Yin deficiency
Gui banYin deficiency with yang hyperactivity syndrome
Bone-tendon wilting due to kidney deficiency
Palpitation and insomnia due to heart deficiency
Calm the yangStrengthen the bonesSecure the menses and stop bleeding
Bie jiaYin deficiency with yang hyperactivity syndrome subdue YangSoften hardening and dissipate nodules.
Bai heLung Yin deficiency or dry heat in the lung
Deficiency vaxation, palpitation at the late stage of febrile disease
Clear the heart and calm the spirit
Tian men dongLung yin deficiency syndrome
Tidal fever and night sweating due to kidney Yin deficiency.
clear fire due to Yin deficiencyEngender body fluid
Shi huSyndrome due to stomach Yin deficiencyClear heatEngender body fluid
Yu zhuLung yin deficiency and lung dryness
Insufficiency of the stomach Yin syndrome
Effective in engendering body fluid and moistening dryness
Gou qi ziDim vision due to liver-kidney Yin deficiency 

Herbs that Astringe收涩药

Definition: Herbs that can astringe are called astringing herbs, also called retaining and astringing herbs Functions and indications:

  • Secure the exterior and check sweating→Spontaneous sweating and night sweating

② Astringe the lung and stop cough →Enduring cough and deficiency asthma.

③Bind up the intestine and stop diarrhea→Enduring diarrhea and enduring dysentery.

④ Retain essence and restrain urine→Seminal emission, seminal efflux, and enuresis.

⑤ Stop bleeding and check vaginal discharge→Uterine bleeding,profuse vaginal discharge.


① Exterior-retaining and sweating- checking herb

② Lung- astringing and intestine- astringing herb

③ Essence-retaining,urine-reducing and vaginal discharge-checking herb

Astringing Herb(收涩药)

NameCharacteristics for efflux syndromeothers
Ma huang genSpontaneous sweating and night sweating 
Wu wei ziDeficiency vaxation and enduring cough, cough, and asthma due to deficiency of the lung kidneyengender body fluidCalm the spirit
Wu meiLung deficiency causing enduring cough.
Enduring diarrhea and enduring dysentery
Quiet the roundwormsEngender body fluid
Ying su qiaoEnduring diarrhea or enduring dysentery
Enduring cough due to lung deficiency
Stop pain
He ziEnduring diarrhea and enduring dysentery
Enduring cough and loss of voice
Rou dou kouEnduring diarrheaWarm the center and stop pain
Shan zhu yuLimp aching lumbus and knees due to the insufficiency of the liver and kidney
Seminal emission, enuresis and uterine bleeding
Sang piao xiaoSeminal emission and enuresis due to kidney deficiency 
Hai piao xiaoSeminal emission and profuse vaginal discharge bleedingcontrol sour withdraw dampness and promote healing
Jin ying ziSeminal emission, Seminal effluxEnuresis and profuse vaginal discharge
Enduring diarrhea and enduring dysentery
Lian ziKidney deficiency causing seminal emission, enuresis and profuse vaginal discharge
Spleen deficiency causing enduring diarrhea
Qian shiSeminal emission, Seminal efflux and vaginal discharge due to kidney deficiency
Spleen deficiency causing enduring diarrhea

Exterior -Retaining and Sweating-Checking Herb固表止汗药

Characteristics:This kind of herbs have functions of retaining exterior and checking sweat used for spontaneous sweating and night sweating.

Lung -Astringing, Intestine Astringing and Diarrhea-Stopping Herb敛肺涩肠药

Characteristics: This kind of herbs, sour in flavor,have functions of astringing the lung and stopping cough, astringing intestines and stopping diarrhea or dysentery, used for intestine deficiency causing enduring diarrhea and enduring dysentery.

Essence-Retaining,Urine-Reducing and Vaginal Discharge-Checking Herb固精缩尿止带药

Characteristics: This kind of herbs are sour in flavor to astringe and can enter the kidney and urinary bladder channels. They have the functions of retaining essence, reducing urine and checking vaginal discharge. Some herbs also have action of tonifying the kidney, used for insecurity of the kidney causing seminal emission, seminal efflux, enuresis, frequent urination and profuse vaginal discharge.

Herbs that Calm the Spirit安神药

Definition: Herbs that can calm the spirit and stabilize the mind are called spirit-calming herbs. Functions and indications:

①Calm the spirit with heavy settlers→Fright palpitation, insomnia, forgetfulness(poor memory), dream- disturbed dream, fright wind, withdrawal and epilepsy, mania.

② Nourish the heart and calm spirit→Deficiency restlessness and insomnia, palpitation and fearful throbbing Classification:

①Heavy settling spirit-calming herb.

  • Heart-nourishing and spirit-calming herb.

Spirit-calming herb安神药

NameCharacteristics for insomniaothers
Zhu shapalpitation and insomnia due to exuberant heart fire
Fright wind, withdraw and epilepsy
Clear heat detoxity
Long guPalpitation, insomnia, fright epilepsy, withdraw and maniaCalm the liver and subdue yang
Hu poPalpitation, insomnia, fright wind, withdraw epilepsysyndrome caused by blood stasisStrangury(lin) syndrome,dribbling urinary block
Suan zao renPalpitation, insomniaAstringe sweating
Bai zi renPalpitation, insomniaMoisten intestine and unblock bowel
Yuan zhiFright palpitation, insomnia, forgetfulness(poor memory), withdrawal, epilepsy and mania due to phlegm obstructing the heart orificesExpel phlegm and stop coughClear heat and detoxify
Ye jiao tengDeficiency restlessness and dream-disturbed sleepUnblock the collaterals and stop pain

Heavy Settling Spirit-Calming Herb重镇安神药


①Most herbs are heavy and down sinking.

②Calm the spirit and stabilize fright with heavy settlers, used for palpitation, insomnia, fright epilepsy, withdrawal and mania due to exuberant heart fire or phlegm fire harassing the heart.

③Part of the herbs can calm the liver and subdue Tang, used for dizziness and vertigo due to ascendant hyperactivity of liver Yang.

Heart-Nourishing and Spirit-Calming Herb养心安神丸)

Characteristics: Herbs are sweet, moist to enrich and nourish, have functions of enriching and nourishing the heart and liver, nourishing Yin and tonifying blood, promoting interaction of the heart and kidney.Used for palpitation, fearful throbbing, deficiency restlessness, insomnia, forgetfulness(poor memory) and dream-disturbed sleep due to insufficiency of Yin blood, dual deficiency of the e heart and spleen,non-interaction of the heart and kidney.

Aromatic Herbs that Open the Orifices开窍药

Definition: Herbs that are acrid, fragrant, mobile an id penetrating to open the orifices and arouse the spirit are called orifice-opening herbs, used for block syndrome and clouded spirit.

Functions and indications:

Free the gate and open the orifices, break the block and arouse the spirit, used for clouded spirit, derilious speech due to heat falling into the pericardium, phlegm – turbidity clouding the clear orifices in warm-heat disease, or sudden clouding reversal caused by fright wind, withdrawal and epilepsy, and wind stroke.

Orifice-opening herb(开窍药)

NameCharacteristics for closed spiritothers
She xiangClouded spirit and orifice blockClear heat and detoxifyInvigorate blood and free menstruationAbduct delivery
Bing pianHeat closed syndrome and clouded spiritClear heat and stop pain
Shi chang puConfused mind due to phlegm clouding the clear orifices 
Su he xiangCold closed syndrome and clouded spirit 

Herbs that Calm Liver and Extinguish Wind平肝熄风药

Definition: Herbs that can calm the liver and subdue Yang, extinguish wind and stop spasms to treat ascendant hyperactivity of liver Yang or liver wind stirring internally are called liver-calming and wind-extinguishing herbs.

Functions and indications:

  • Calm the liver and subdue Yang→Dizziness and vertigo due to ascendant hyperactivity of liver Yang.
  • Extinguish wind and stop spasms→Fright epilepsy and convulsion due to liver wind stirring internally.


① Liver-calming and Yang-subduing herb.

② Wind – extinguishing and tetany – checking herb.

Liver-calming and wind-extinguishing herb(平肝熄风药)

NameCharacteristics for ascendent hyperactivity of yang and wind stirring internallyothers
Shi jue mingAscendant hyperactivity of Liver yang, dizzy head and visionClear liver and improve the acuity of vision
Mu liAscendant hyperactivity of Liver yang, dizzy head and visionSoften hardness and dissipate bind
Astringe and secure
Dai zhe shiAscendant hyperactivity of Liver yang, dizzy head and visionDownbear stomach Qi and stop vomiting counterflow
Stop bleeding
Ling yang jiaoFright epilepsy and convulsion due to liver wind stirring internally
Ascendant hyperactivity of Liver yang, dizzy head and vision
clear heat and detoxify
Clear liver and improve the acuity of vision
Clear lung and stop cough
Niu huangVigorous fever and clouded spirit, spasm and convulsionsweep phlegm and open the orificesClear liver and improve the acuity of vision
Gou tengFight epilepsy and convulsion, dizziness and headache due to liver wind stirring internally 
Tian maEpilepsy, convulsion due to the liver wind stirring internallyDissiness and headacheDispel wind-damp to relieve impediment(Bi) pain
Di longHigh fever and tetanic reversal, withdrawal and maniaunblock the coolateralsRelieve wheezingPromote diuresis
Quan xieSevere spasm and convulsiondetoxify and dissipate bindUnblock the coolaterals and stop pain
Wu gongSevere spasm and convulsiondetoxify and dissipate bindUnblock the coolaterals and stop pain
Jiang canFright epilepsy, abscess and convulsion
Deviated mouth and eyes due to wind striking channels and coolaterals
Dispel wind and stop painDetoxify and dissipate bind

Liver-calming and Yang – subduing Herb平肝潜阳药


①Most herbs are cold and salty in nature.

②Most herbs have functions of calming the liver and subduing Yang.

③Used for dizzy head and vision, headache and tinnitus due to ascendant hyperactivity of liver Yang, and red face and eyes, headache, dizziness, restlessness and irascibility due to liver fire flaming upward.

Wind-extinguishing and Tetany -checking Herb息风止痉药


①Enter the liver channel to calm liver wind, stop spasms, spasm and convulsion.

②Used for dizziness that upsets balance, spasm and convulsion due to extreme heat stirring wind liver Yang transforming wind and blood deficiency engendering wind.

Herbs that Expel Parasites驱虫药

Definition: Herbs that can chiefly expel or kill human parasites are known as worm-expelling herb. Functions and indications:

Expel and kill intestinal parasites→Intestinal parasitosis

(ascariasis,oxyuriasis,cestodiasis,hookwom disease,fasciolopsiasis,etc.).

Worm-Expelling herb(驱虫药)

NameCharacteristics for killing parasiteothers
Bing langParasite in intestinal tract(especially tapeworms)disperse accumulation and move QiDisinhibit water and reduce edema
Shi jun ziAscariasis and oxyuriasisChild gan accumulation
Ku lian piSyndrome caused by roundworm, pinworm or hookwormTreat lichen
Nan gua ziCestodiasis 
He cao yaCestodiasisTaken ground to a powder