

  Signs& SymptomsMental Health& Personality
Upper bodylung肺主气,肺主肃降,肺主皮毛:Shortness of breath,cough, asthma,frequent cold and flu 肺主皮毛:dry skin,颈肩痛(肺俞穴上,斜方肌痛):shoulder and neck painWake up or dry mouth 3-5am肺主悲伤孤独:sadness, grief, lonely, excessive crying
Heart心主神志:Insomnia, excessive dreaming心相关:heart palpitations, irregular heartbeat, heart burn,心俞及肩胛骨周围痛:shoulder blade pain早上7am自然醒心主喜悦:happiness,overjoyed, laughing inappropriately, 心主怒:irritable, impatient,impulsive,angry热心肠细心:frank, passionate, attentive mind心主焦虑烦躁紧张:nervous,anxious,annoyed,scare of needles,大惊小怪(紧张+恐惧)心小:small-minded,jealous舌为心之窍:talkative较真,倔强:stubborn,洁癖
Middle bodystomach胃火:hungry easily胃胀:Stomach bloating or pain, digestive issues胃气上逆:nausea,vomiting,acid reflux  
Liver肝: 胸胁胀痛(肝经)pain along the LV&GB meridians肝火,肝气上逆:headache, dizziness, dry ,red &itchy eyes妇科月经:menstrual pain,breast distension,irregular menstruationWake up or dry mouth 1-3am肝主郁:Stress, depression肝主怒:irritability, angry
Gall Bladder胆汁分泌异常:digestive issues such as nausea, jaundice, gallstones半夜11pm-1am醒胆主决断: indecisive, poor judgment胆小,易惊:Timidity, lack of confidence, fright and fear
Lower bodyspleen脾气虚,脾阳虚:Tiredness, poor appetite, poor digestion, abdominal distension, loose stool, diarrhea脾主四肢:weak muscles,easily bruising,not refreshed after sleep脾在华为唇:pale lips脾主统血:excess menstrual blood flow, and other bleeding disorders脾主意:lack of confidence脾主思虑:over thinking,skeptical,worried
Small intestine小肠小腹-小肠区域:abdominal pain or bloating 小肠-大便:实热证:constipation(羊屎状,一粒一粒) 虚寒证:loose stool or diarrhea妇科月经:关元附近痛,小腹冷
Large Intestine大肠大肠-大便:实热证:constipation(香肠状,3天-10天上一次厕所)虚寒证:loose stool or diarrhea
kidney肾-膀胱表里:Frequent urination, urinary incontinence腰为肾之府,肾腧穴,腰阳关,命门穴及肾经膀胱经沿经酸痛:Soreness,weakness or pain of knees and low back,cold feet耳为肾之窍:ringing in the ears with low pitch, hearing loss发为肾之余:premature gray hair, hair loss晚上9-11pm犯困,not refreshed after sleep肾主恐,害怕:fear, easily startled肾主志:weak willpower,strong willpower肾主精: memory confusion, poor concentration, poor memory, poor coordination 
bladder膀胱膀胱-尿液:profuse, clear urine, frequent urination,incontinence. feel painful during the urine, not easy to pass, Gravel or Stones in the urine 


大便一天一次为正常。实热证:constipated, dry  虚寒证:soft, sticky, water like, with undigested foot
月经快速辨证上热:肺:Grumpy/ grief 心火:irritation /anxiety/Excessive dreaming 胃火:pimples ,hungry 肝郁:depression/stress/breast tenderness辨经络:headache / dizziness / hot flushes辨时间:Insomnia下寒:主要是脾肾虚:swollen legs or feet /fatigue /cold lower limbs/lower abdomen pain or cold /lower back pain or cold/frequent Urination

妇科辨证: Abnormal Menstruation& Pattern Differentiation

Abnormal MenstruationPattern Differentiation
Abnormal Menstrual CycleEarly menstruationblood heat or qi deficiency
Late menstruationblood deficiency or blood cold
Irregular menstruationliver qi stagnation and kidney deficiency
Abnormal Menstruation PeriodLong menstruationqi deficiency and blood heat
Short menstruationblood deficiency and deficiency cold
Abnormal Quantity of Menstrual FlowHeavy Menstruationblood heat or qi deficiency
Scanty menstruationblood deficiency and deficiency cold
Abnormal Colour and TextureClotsBlood stasis or qi stagnation
Thick textureExcess
Dilute texturedeficiency
Abnormal Premenstrual Symptoms(PMS)Acne, headacheFire(ST, LI, GB, SJ, SI Fire)
Hot flushesZang-Fu Excess/yin deficiency/ying-wei disharmony
Palpitation, Feeling Irritable, tense or AnxiousHeart Fire
Mood swingsLiver qi stagnation
Weight gainST fire +phlegm dampness, SP deficiency
CryingHT or Lung qi deficiency
Tender& Swollen BreastsLiver qi stagnation or Liver fire or stomach fire
Feel hungry easilyStomach fire
Sore back, feeling tired, Swollen FeetKidney deficiency, spleen deficiency, Mingmen fire deficiency

Abdominal pain during menstruation

abdominal pain& menstruationindicates
relieved with pressuredeficiency
aversion to pressureexcess
pain which is alleviated by warmingcold
pain which is aggravated by warmingheat
pain appearing before or during menstruationexcess
pain appearing after menstruationdeficiency
Frequent pain in the lower abdomendamp-heat,blood stasis,qi stagnation
Distention and fullness in the lower abdomen during menstruationqi stagnation

Pattern Differentiation of Leukorrhea Disorders

colorYellow,greenHeat pattern
 White,clearCold pattern,yang deficiency
 bloodExcess heat/deficiency cold
Texture/mucusThinDeficiency pattern/cold pattern
 ThickExcess pattern
smellfoulDamp-heat/excess heat