保持卫生: 保持皮肤干净,使用温和的肥皂和温水清洁皮肤。洗澡后轻轻拍干皮肤,避免搓擦。
保持皮肤湿润: 使用温和的保湿霜或乳液,避免皮肤过于干燥。选择不含香料和酒精的产品。
避免刺激: 避免使用刺激性化妆品、香水和洗涤剂。选择无刺激性的产品,避免对皮肤产生负担。
避免暴露在阳光下: 对于某些皮肤病,阳光可能会加重症状。在阳光强烈的时候,尽量待在阴凉处,使用防晒霜和遮阳帽。
避免过热和过冷: 避免长时间处于过热或过冷的环境中,这些极端温度可能刺激皮肤。
穿着适当的衣物: 穿着宽松、柔软、透气的衣物,避免摩擦和压迫。
避免抓挠: 避免用手抓挠皮肤,这可能导致感染和加重症状。
乳制品: 牛奶和乳制品是常见的过敏原,可能引发湿疹等皮肤问题。
麸质: 含有麦麸的食物,如小麦、大麦和黑麦,可能引发麦麸过敏或乳糜泻,进而导致皮肤症状。
坚果: 坚果,特别是花生,是常见的过敏原,可能引发过敏性皮肤病。
鱼和贝类海鲜: 鱼和贝类海鲜也是常见过敏原,可能导致皮肤过敏反应。
柑橘类水果: 柑橘类水果,如橙子、柠檬和柚子,可能加重湿疹等皮肤症状。
香料和调味品: 一些香料和调味品可能引发过敏反应,导致皮肤问题。
咖啡和酒精: 咖啡和酒精可能引发皮肤干燥和过敏反应。
添加剂和人工食品: 一些食品中的添加剂和人工食品可能加重过敏性皮肤病症状。
Skin Disease Treatment Precautions
1. What methods or diets worsen skin conditions? What methods or diets alleviate skin conditions?
2.If you are currently taking Chinese herbal medicine, using specific soup ingredients, or Western medications, you need to inform the traditional Chinese medicine practitioner. Some medications can exacerbate skin conditions.
What worsens skin conditions:
Hygiene: Keep the skin clean, using mild soap and warm water. Gently pat the skin dry after bathing to avoid rubbing.
Moisturizing: Use mild moisturizers or lotions to prevent excessive dryness. Choose products without fragrances and alcohol.
Avoid Irritants: Stay away from harsh cosmetics, perfumes, and detergents. Choose products that are non-irritating to the skin.
Sun Exposure: For some skin conditions, sunlight can worsen symptoms. Stay in shade when the sun is strong, use sunscreen, and wear hats.
Temperature Extremes: Avoid prolonged exposure to excessive heat or cold, as extreme temperatures can irritate the skin.
Appropriate Clothing: Wear loose, soft, and breathable clothing to prevent friction and pressure on the skin.
Avoid Scratching: Refrain from scratching the skin with hands, as it can lead to infections and worsen the symptoms.
Diet and Medication:
Diet: Certain foods can trigger or exacerbate skin conditions, especially allergic reactions.
Dairy: Milk and dairy products are common allergens that can trigger conditions like eczema.
Gluten: Foods containing gluten such as wheat, barley, and rye might worsen conditions like dermatitis herpetiformis.
Nuts: Nuts, especially peanuts, are common allergens that can worsen allergic skin conditions.
Seafood: Fish and shellfish can cause skin reactions in individuals with allergies.
Citrus Fruits: Citrus fruits like oranges and lemons might worsen conditions like eczema.
Spices and Seasonings: Certain spices and seasonings can trigger allergic reactions, affecting the skin.
Coffee and Alcohol: Both coffee and alcohol can lead to skin dryness and worsen allergic reactions.
Additives and Artificial Foods: Some additives and artificial foods can worsen symptoms of allergic skin conditions.Medication: Inform your traditional Chinese medicine practitioner or any healthcare provider about the medications you are taking. Some drugs might exacerbate skin conditions.
Please note that these suggestions are general and might vary based on individual reactions. If you suspect a specific food is triggering your skin issues, it’s advisable to consult a healthcare provider or allergist for proper evaluation and guidance.