气虚 | 少气懒言,神疲乏力,头晕,目眩,自汗。 |
阳虚 | 畏寒肢冷,口淡不渴,或渴喜热饮,自汗,小便清长,或尿少浮肿,大便稀溏,面色晄白。 |
气陷 | 头晕目花,脱肛,子宫脱垂,胃下垂。 |
气滞 | 胀闷,疼痛,攻窜阵发。 |
肺气上逆 | 咳嗽,喘息 |
胃气上逆 | 呃逆,嗳气、恶心、呕吐 |
肝气上逆 | 头痛,眩晕,昏厥,呕血 |
血虚 | 面白无华或萎黄,唇色淡白,爪甲苍白,头晕眼花,心悸失眠,手足发麻,妇女经血量少色淡,经期错后或闭经 |
阴虚 | 腰膝酸软、夜间盗汗、虚烦失眠、手足心热、口鼻干燥、干咳少痰或痰中带血、大便干燥 |
血瘀 | 疼痛和针刺刀割,痛有定处,拒按,常在夜间加剧。肿块在体表者,色呈青紫;在腹内者,紧硬按之不移,称为症积。出血反复不止。色泽紫暗,中夹血块,或大便色黑如柏油。面色黧黑,肌肤甲错,口唇爪甲紫暗,或皮下紫斑,或肤表丝状如缕,或腹部青筋外露,或下肢筋青胀痛等。妇女常见经闭。 |
血热 | 咳血、吐血、尿血、衄血、便血、妇女月经先期、量多、血热、心烦、口渴 |
血寒 | 手足或少腹冷痛,肤色紫暗发凉,喜暖恶寒,得温痛减,妇女月经衍期,痛经,经色紫暗,夹有血块 |
津液不足 | 口渴咽干,唇燥而裂,皮肤干枯无泽,小便短少,大便干结 |
水饮 | 口渴但不想喝水 |
水肿 | 面部或上肢肿,脚或下肢肿 |
痰证 | 无痰,白痰,黄痰,痰多,痰不易吐出,血痰,肥胖 |
风证 | 发热,恶风,头痛,汗出,咳嗽,鼻塞,流涕(清,白,黄/少,多)。肢体/颜面麻木不仁,口眼歪斜,或颈肩酸痛,四肢抽搐,或皮肤瘙痒。 |
寒证 | 恶寒发热,无汗,头痛,身痛,喘咳,鼻塞手足拘急,四肢厥冷口渴喜热饮,腹痛肠鸣,泄泻,呕吐 |
暑证 | 中暑,身体热,出汗多,汗出不止,口渴,疲乏,尿黄,卒然昏倒,气急,甚或昏迷惊厥 |
湿证 | 潮湿则头胀而痛或如裹,胸闷,口不渴,口腻,身体沉重,各种关节沉重而酸痛屈伸不利,发热,四肢倦怠,小便清长 |
凉燥 | 恶寒重,发热轻,头痛,无汗,咳嗽,喉痒,鼻塞,口干 |
温燥 | 身热,微恶风寒,头痛,少汗,口渴,心烦,干咳,痰少,痰中带血,皮肤及鼻咽干燥,口干 |
火证 | 身体热,口渴喝水多而不解渴,口渴喜冷饮,口苦,面红,目赤,心烦,多汗,鼻出血,吐血,皮肤斑疹,青春痘,痈脓 |
情志 | 喜悦,焦虑,冲动,易怒,忧郁,思虑,悲伤,恐惧,易惊吓,孤独 |
性格 | 外向,内向,内外向,急性子,慢性子 |
肺(魄) | 果断 |
肝(魂) | 倔强 |
心(神) | 爽快,热情,急性子,细心,不能宽容 |
胆 | 胆大,胆小,犹豫不决,善变 |
脾(意) | 怀疑,信心不足 |
肾(志) | 意志力弱 |
饮食习惯 | 饮食清淡,喜干躁饮食,喜食甜,喜食咸,喜食酸,喜食辣,喜食温热,喜食冷凉,喜食油腻,厌油腻食物 |
食积于胃 | 胃脘胀满疼痛、嗳气味酸腐而臭、反酸,或吐不消化食物,吐后或矢气后胃脘胀痛减轻 |
食滞于肠 | 腹痛肠鸣、泻下粪便恶臭如坏鸡蛋,泻后腹痛减轻 |
Qi deficiency | □Lack of energy and no desire to speak □Fatigue (mental fatigue) □dizzy □vertigo □spontaneous sweating □low energy | |
Yang deficiency | □Aversion to cold □cold limbs □not thirsty □prefer hot drink □clear and frequent urine □scanty urine with oedema □loose bowel motion □bright-pale complexion | |
Qi prolapsing | □Dizzy □blurred vison □prolapse rectum □prolapse uterus □prolapse stomach | |
Qi stagnation | □General body distended □moving pain | |
Blood deficiency | □Pale / yellowish complexion □pale lips □pale nails □dizzy □blurred vision □palpitation □insomnia □numbness of hands or feet □scanty period bleed □pale color □delayed period □amenorrhea | |
Yin deficiency | □Sore and weakness of lower back and knees □night sweating □insomnia □hot palms and soles □dry mouth and nose □dry cough with minimal blood stained phlegm □dry stool | |
Blood stasis | □Strong stabbing pain □localized pain, worsening by palpation □worsening during night □masses □clots □dark blackish complexion □scaly skin □dark purple lips □nails □Subcutaneous purpura □varicose vein □period with clots □amenorrhea | |
Blood heat | □Cough with blood □vomit with blood □urine with blood □nose bleeding □early period □heavy bleeding □vexed □thirsty | |
Cold blood | □Cold hands □cold feet □cold lower abdomen □cold skin with poor perfusion □aversion to cold, prefer warm □pain relieved by hot compress □delayed period □period pain □dark color period with clots | |
Body fluid deficiency | □Thirsty □dry throat □dry lips □dry skin □scanty urine □dry stool | |
Phlegm | □No phlegm □white phlegm □yellow phlegm □productive phlegm □sticky phlegm □phlegm with stained blood □obesity | |
Exterior Wind | □Cough □dyspnea □block nose □runny nose (clear, white, yellow discharge) □neck shoulder pain □fever □headache | □Aversion to cold □sweating □numb limbs □numb face □facial dropping □itchy skin |
Exterior Cold | □Aversion to cold □no sweating □body ache □thirsty and prefer warm drink | |
Summer heat | □Sun stroke □body heat □profuse sweating □thirst □fatigue □dark urine □sudden collapsed □coma □convulsion | |
Damp | □Feel heavy head (binding sensation) □ Chest fullness □not thirsty □feel greasy in mouth □feel heavy limbs □joints stiffness □sore and pain □fever | |
Cool-dry | □Dry mouth, dry nose □cough □headache □less sweating □absent sweating (anhidrosis) | □More aversion to cold □slight fever □cough □itchy throat □block nose |
Warm-dry | □Fever □slight aversion to cold □thirsty □vexed □dry cough □less phlegm □blood in phlegm □dry skin | |
Fire | □Body heat □thirsty □thirsty not relieved after drinking □bitter taste in mouth □red complexion □red eye □vexed □profuse sweating □nose bleeding □vomit with blood □skin rashes □acne □abscess or ulcers | |
Personality | □Introvert □Extravert □ambivert □quick-temper □slow-temper □easily approachable | |
Diet | □Bland diet □solid food □spicy food □prefer oily food □dislike oily food |