

Symptoms for distinguishing between exterior and interior cold and heat in external diseases

表寒证Exterior Cold Syndrome恶寒重,发热轻,无汗,头痛,身体疼痛,鼻塞,流清涕或流白涕,喉咙痒Severe aversion to cold, mild fever, no sweating, headache, body aches, nasal congestion, clear or white nasal discharge, and throat itching.
表热证Exterior Heat Syndrome发热,微恶寒,出汗,口微渴Fever, slight aversion to cold, sweating, slight thirst.
里寒证Interior Cold Syndrome清痰,白痰,不口渴,喉咙不干痛Clear phlegm, white phlegm, not thirsty, no throat dryness or pain.
里热证Interior Heat Syndrome口干,口渴,喉咙痛,黄痰,绿痰,血痰,脓痰,心烦Dry mouth, thirst, sore throat, yellow phlegm, green phlegm, blood phlegm, purulent phlegm, restlessness.