太极中医与传承国际基金会 组织过的培训
Class code | Topic | CPD | Date | Lecture/Organiser | Language |
1 | 中医妇科相关词汇英文描述不孕症的中药与针灸治疗针灸治疗妇科病(月经病,不孕,孕期针灸,更年期综合征) | 3 | 2019.07.06 | Daisy阎利利 | 中文 |
2 | 第二届谭氏平衡针经验交流 | 4 | 2019.07.07 | Dawson Huang | 中文 |
3 | 董氏奇穴经验交流 | 2 | 2019.07.07 | Dawson Huang | 中文 |
4 | 中医妇科相关词汇英文描述蔡氏妇科关于月经病及不孕症的中药与针灸治疗闭经的中医治疗 | 3 | 2019.07.07 | Daisy崔虹 洪素兰 | 中文 |
Class code | Topic | CPD | Date | Lecture/Organiser | Language |
1 | 经络辩证与凭脉辨虚实及针刺技术Meridian Diagnosis combined with pulse taking&acupuncture treatment | 3 | 02.02.2020 | Dawson Huang | 中文Mandarin |
2 | 中医常用方剂临床经验分享及英语专业术语表达(1)Clinical experience sharing of common prescriptions in TCM&related English Terminology(1) | 3 | 02.02.2020 | Dawson Huang | English |
3 | 伤寒论太阳病篇临床经验分享及英语专业术语表达(1)Clinical experience sharing of Shanghanlun-Taiyang disease&related English Terminology(1) | 3 | 03.02.2020 | Dawson Huang | English |
4 | 中医常用方剂临床经验分享及英语专业术语表达(2)Clinical experience sharing of common prescriptions in TCM&English Terminology(2) | 3 | 04.02.2020 | Dawson Huang | English |
Topic&Content | CPD | Date | speaker | Language | |
中医基础理论basic theory of Chinese medicine | 中医基础理论及术语 TCM basic theories and terminology | 2 | 23.01.2021 | Edmund Liu | English |
脏象学说(1) Zang-fu Organ theory (1) | 2 | 30.01.2021 | Lynn Huang | English | |
脏象学说(2) Zang-fu Organ theory (2) | 2 | 06.02.2021 | Lynn Huang | English | |
病因病机学说及体质 TCM cause and development of disease, body constitution | 2 | 13.02.2021 | Edmund Liu | English | |
中医诊断学diagnostics of Chinese medicine | 中医四诊及术语 TCM diagnostic methods and terminology | 2 | 20.02.2021 | Edmund Liu | English |
八纲辨证及术语 The Eight-Principle pattern differentiation and terminology | 2 | 27.02.2021 | Lynn Huang | English | |
中医辨证方法(1)TCM pattern differentiation and methods (1) | 2 | 06.03.2021 | Edmund Liu | English | |
中医辨证方法(2)TCM pattern differentiation and methods (2) | 2 | 20.03.2021 | Edmund Liu | English |
Class code | Topic | CPD | Date | Lecture/Organiser | Language |
1 | Basic Theory of TCM中医基础理论及术语 Basic Theory of TCM | 2 | 20.06.2021 | Dawson Huang | English |
2 | Diagnostic of TCM(1)中医诊断学1(四诊,气血津液,八纲辨证)Diagnostic of TCM(1) (Four Examinations, Qi, Blood and Body Fluid, The Eight-Principal pattern differentiation) | 2 | 27.06.2021 | Dawson Huang | English |
3 | Diagnostic of TCM(2)中医诊断学2(脏腑辨证,六经辨证,卫气营血辨证,三焦辨证) Diagnostic of TCM(2) (Zang-fu Organ, Six Stages; Wei, Qi, Ying, Xue; Sanjiao differentiation) | 2 | 04.07.2021 | Dawson Huang | English |
4 | Communication skill常用看病问句(Common Questions to Ask the Patient)问诊常用医学词汇(TCM Medical Terminology)怎么解释中医?How to explain Chinese Medicine to your patients?干针和传统针灸比较Dry needling VS Acupuncture | 2 | 11.07. 2021 | Dawson Huang | English |
Topic &Content | CPD | Date | Presenter/ organizer | Language | |
1 | Introduction of herbal Formulas for exterior-pathogen related diseases疫情下的外感病症及抗过敏的中药治疗应用 | 2 | 23.08.2021 | LILI Yan阎利利 | 中文 Free |
2 | Review of Common Syndromes and herbal formulas for Common Cold, Flu, Cough & Hay Fever感冒咳嗽花粉症的辨证思路及常用方剂总结 | 2 | 24.08.2021 | Dawson | 中文 Free |
Class code | Topic | CPD | Date | Lecture/Organiser | Language |
1 | Chinese Pinyin1 | 2 | 05.11.2022 | Ella Yang | English |
2 | Chinese Pinyin2&Pin Yin for herbs’ names | 2 | 12.11.2022 | Ella Yang | English |
3 | 脏腑辨证复习Zang Fu pattern diagnosis | 3 | 19.11.2022 | Dawson Huang | English |
4 | 中药学1 Herbal Medicine1 | 3 | 26.11.2022 | Ella Yang | English |
5 | 中药学2 Herbal Medicine2 | 3 | 03.12.2022 | Jing Zhang | English |
6 | 中药学3 Herbal Medicine 3 | 3 | 10.12.2022 | Alice Xian | English |
7 | 常用中药比较1 comparison of commonly used herbs1 | 3 | 17.12.2022 | Jo Tan | English |
8 | 常用中药比较2 comparison of commonly used herbs2 | 3 | 22.12.2022 | Dawson Huang | English |
Class code | Topic | CPD | Date | Lecture/Organiser | Language |
1 | Commonly used herbal formulas based on Zangfu diagnosis 脏腑虚实方剂总结 | 3 | 11.02.2023 | Shirley Peng | English |
2 | Commonly used herbal formulas for dermatological diseases皮肤病的辨证及常用方剂总结 | 3 | 12.02.2023 | Dawson Huang | Chinese中文 |
3 | Summary of commonly used herbal formulas常用方剂总结 | 3 | 18.02.2023 | Shirley Peng | English |
4 | Antenatal care and labour preparation from both Western and Chinese medicine孕期及围产期常见病的中西医诊疗 | 3 | 19.02.2023 | Jay Jing | English |
5 | Examination of the Cervical,Thoracic Region颈椎胸椎的西医检查 | 3 | 26.02.2023 | Jeff Ji | English |
1 | 肩痛无力的神经因素及精准诊疗 | 2 | 黄文川 | 黄文川博士 | 中文 |
Class code | Topic | CPD | Date | Lecture/Organiser | Language |
1 | 中医快速辨证经验 Experience of TCM Syndrome Differentiation diagnosis | 3 | 29.10.2023 | Dawson Huang | Chinese中文 |
2 | 简易脉象辨虚实 Basic Pulse Diagnosis to Differentiate Deficiency and Excess | 3 | 29.10.2023 | Dawson Huang | Chinese中文 |
3 | 经方治疗皮肤病的经验Experience on classical prescriptions for Treating Skin Diseases | 2.5 | 06.11.2023 | Zihao Xu | Chinese中文 |
4 | 上肢(肩关节,肘关节,腕关节)ACC相关疾病的解剖,诊断和治疗Anatomy, Diagnosis, and Treatment of ACC-Related Diseases in the Upper Limb (Shoulder Joint, Elbow Joint, Wrist Joint) | 2.5 | 13.11.2023 | Jeff Ji&Dawson Huang | English |
5 | 临床常用西药及中药相互作用A brief touch on commonly used drugs and Chinese herbs interaction | 3 | 20.11.2023 | Jay Jing | English |
6 | 常用中药介绍Introduction to Common Chinese Herbal Medicine | 3 | 27.11.2023 | Shirley Peng | English |
7 | 失眠的中医治疗TCM Treatment for Insomnia | 3 | 04.12.2023 | Dawson Huang | English |
Class code | Topic | CPD | Date | Lecture/Organiser | Language |
1 | 中医推拿学的基本概念Basic concepts of TCM Tuina | 3 | 26.02.2024 | Renjie Xi | English |
2 | 伤寒论-太阳病常用方剂及针刺方法Commonly used herbal formulas and acupuncture treatment for Shang Han Tai Yang pattern | 3 | 27.02.2024 | Dawson Huang | English |
3 | 下肢(臀部,膝盖,脚踝,脚)ACC相关疾病的解剖,诊断和治疗Anatomy, Diagnosis and Treatment of ACC-Related Diseases in the Lower Limb (Hip,Knee,Ankle,Foot) | 3 | 28.02.2024 | Jeff Ji | English |
Class code | Topic | CPD | Date | Lecture/Organiser | Language |
1 | 脊椎(颈椎,胸椎,腰椎)ACC相关疾病的解剖,诊断和治疗Anatomy, diagnosis, and treatment of ACC-related diseases of the spine (cervical, thoracic, lumbar). | 3 | 28.04.2024 | Jeff Ji | English |
2 | 肩撞击综合征,肩周炎,肩袖损伤的针刺治疗understanding impingement syndrome, frozen shoulder, cuff tendinitis, the key points of acupuncture treatment | 3 | 02.05.2024 | Tianshu Wang | English |
Class code | Topic& Main Content | CPD | Date | Lecture/Organiser | Language |
1 | Introduction to Basics of Reproductive Medicine & IVF Protocol生殖医学基础及试管婴儿(IVF)的概述1)Female Reproductive System Anatomy2)Female Reproductive System Physiology3)Infertility History and Examination4)Infertility Investigations5)IVF Protocol6)Interpretation of Menstrual Cycle in TCM Theory7)Common TCM Pathology in Infertility | 3 | 24.05.2024 | Jay Jing | English |
2 | Full-cycle reproductive acupuncture全程全周期生殖针灸(不孕症及试管婴儿的针灸治疗) | 3 | 30.05.2024 | Qing Ma马青(北京) | Mandarin中文 |
Sharing of clinical experiences in TCM for infertility不孕症的中医临床经验分享 | Hong Cui | Mandarin中文 | |||
3 | TCM Treatment for Infertility and IVF support不孕症及试管婴儿的中医药辅助治疗 | 3 | 06.06.2024 | Dawson Huang | English |