

1.Early Menstruation, Epimenorrhea (月经先期): 21 days or less, for at least 2 cycles


2.Late or Delayed Menstruation (月经后期):35 days or more, for at least 2 cycles


3. Irregular Menstruation (Sometimes Early, Sometimes Late)(月经先后不定期): Irregular, either in advanced or delayed by 7 days or more, for at least 3 cycles.月经周期或前或后1到2周,经期正常,连续三个周期以上者。

4. Heavy Menstruation, Menorrhagia(月经过多):>80ml(a soaked pad absorbs roughly 5ml of blood)


5.Scanty or Light Menstruation, Oligomenorrhea(月经过少):A Period That Lasts 1 or 2 Days(short period) or <20ml and/or the menstrual period less than 2 days


6. Extended or long Menstruation (经期延长): A menstrual period that lasts longer than seven days


7. Spotting or Bleeding Between Menstruation(经间期出血):氤氲期(即排卵期)周期性出现子宫少量出血。

8.Flooding and spotting Menstruation (崩漏):其发病急骤,暴下如注,大量出血者为“崩”;病势缓,出血量少,淋漓不绝者为“漏”。

9.Absence of Menstruation, Amenorrhea, No Cycle (闭经) or Missed Period/ Skipping period (停经) :






10.Painful Menstruation, Dysmenorrhea (痛经):凡在经期或经行前后,出现周期性小腹疼痛,或痛引腰骶,甚至剧痛晕厥者。

Abnormal Menstruation& Pattern Differentiation

Abnormal MenstruationPattern Differentiation
Abnormal Menstrual Cycle月经周期异常Early menstruation 经期先期blood heat or qi deficiency 血热或气虚
Late menstruation 经期后期blood deficiency or blood cold 血虚或血寒
Irregular menstruation 周期前后不定期liver stagnation and kidney deficiency肝郁和肾虚
Abnormal Menstruation Period月经期异常Long menstruation 经期过长qi deficiency and blood heat气虚和血热
Short menstruation 经期过短blood deficiency and deficiency-cold血虚和虚寒
Abnormal Quantity of Menstrual Flow经量异常Heavy Menstruation 月经量多blood heat or qi deficiency血热或气虚
Scanty menstruation 月经量少blood deficiency and blood cold血虚,血寒
Abnormal Colour and Texture经血色及质量异常Pale red& dilute texture 色淡质稀Spleen deficiency. Qi deficiency脾虚,气虚
Light Red& dilute texture淡红质稀Blood deficiency血虚
Bright Red& thick texture亮红质粘稠Kidney deficiency, Deficiency Heat肾虚虚热
Crimson Red& thick texture深红质黏稠Excessive heat实热
Dark red with clots暗红有血块Blood stagnation, Excessive cold血瘀实寒
Purple-red with clots紫红有血块Qi stagnation, Liver Qi stagnation肝郁气滞
Dull red with clots Cold 暗黑Deficiency cold虚寒
Abnormal Premenstrual Symptoms(PMS)经前综合症Acne, headache痤疮,头疼Fire(ST, LI, GB, SJ, SI Fire) 胃、肠、胆、三焦有火
Hot flushes 潮热Zang-Fu Excess or yin deficiency or ying-wei disharmony脏腑实症或阴虚或营卫失调
Palpitation, Feeling Irritable, tense or Anxious心悸,感觉急躁,紧张或焦虑Heart Fire心火
Mood swings 情绪波动Liver qi stagnation肝气郁结
Weight gain体重增加ST fire +phlegm dampness, SP deficiency胃火+痰湿,脾虚
Crying爱哭HT or Lung qi deficiency心火肺气虚
Tender& Swollen Breasts乳房胀痛Liver qi stagnation or Liver fire or stomach fire肝气郁结或肝火或胃火
Feel easily hungry易饿Stomach fire胃火
Sore back, feeling tired, Swollen Feet腰痛乏力,脚肿Kidney deficiency, spleen deficiency, Mingmen fire deficiency肾虚、脾虚、命门火虚

Abdominal pain during menstruation

abdominal pain& menstruationindicates
relieved with pressure按之则缓Deficiency虚
aversion to pressure拒按Excess室
pain which is alleviated by warming遇暖则缓Cold寒
pain which is aggravated by warming遇暖加重Heat热
pain appearing before or during menstruation行经痛Excess实
pain appearing after menstruation经后痛Deficiency虚
Frequent pain in the lower abdomen小腹经常疼痛damp-heat, blood stasis, qi stagnation湿热、血瘀、气滞
Distention and fullness in the lower abdomen during menstruation月经时小腹胀满qi stagnation气滞

Pattern Differentiation of Leukorrhea Disorders

colortextureodor of dischargeindicates
Yellowish青Sticky黏稠foul smelling discharge臭excess and heat pattern实热
Whitish色白Thin稀薄odorous discharge无臭气Deficiency pattern and  cold pattern虚症寒症
  foul offensive odor恶臭excess heat实热
  smell like rotten fish腥臭deficiency cold虚寒
yellow pus色黄Sticky黏稠foul smell有臭气accumulation of damp-heat湿热下注
White白thin mucus accompanied by fatigue or a poor appetite稀薄伴有疲劳和食欲不振 spleen dampness脾湿
white dripping discharge白色液体mingled with blood夹血 internal heat from内热
 copious and thin leukorrhea, with aching and weakness in the waist白带稀薄如水,腰痛无力 deficiency of kidney yang肾阳虚
gray(may include other colors)灰色或有其它颜色Turbid浑浊foul leukorrhea臭秽retention of lochia [‘ləukiə]